is a group of music fans who choose to remain clean and sober at music festivals. We are not affiliated with AA, NA nor any musical act. We have no opinion on the issue of drugs or alcohol and neither condemn nor condone it. Our simple purpose is to provide support and information to those who seek the comfort and camaraderie of other clean and sober people at festivals. The only requirement is a desire to stay drug and alcohol free at festivals. Though we consist mostly of people in recovery from alcoholism and addiction, Harmonium exists for anyone wishing to stay clean, sober and those seeking serenity and fellowship at festivals.

Needs Your Help!
Harmonium needs your help to keep going and expand into additional festivals! Your donation will help us be able to bring support to more events. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All contributions are tax deductible, and we will issue a receipt to verify your IRS filing claims.